Blog Post Week 3 Part 2


1.      Forecasts and Strategies
b.      They use links, though not regular social media links, to advertise their other newsletters in the newsletter group (they publish 5 newsletters).
c.       I know the publisher and the marketing group that works with this newsletter. People do click the links and subscribe to the newsletters.
d.      Date of last post: today. They are very active bloggers.
e.       In my opinion, they could use social media such as Facebook and Twitter a lot more. In fact, I don’t believe they use these social media platforms at all.
2.      Eagle Publishing
b.      They use links, though not regular social media links, to advertise their other newsletters in the newsletter group. They are the publisher of several newsletter groups, including Forecasts and Strategies.
c.       I know the publisher and the marketing group that works with this newsletter. People do click the links and subscribe to the newsletters.
d.      They don’t appear to be active bloggers.
e.       In my opinion, they could use social media such as Facebook and Twitter a lot more. In fact, I don’t believe they use these social media platforms at all.
3.      Stock Gumshoe
b.      Stock Gumshoe uses Facebook and Twitter.
c.       The links appear to be well used.
d.      Date of last post: today. They are very active bloggers.
e.       Stock Gumshoe seems to be a little better at using social media than the first two; but there is still much more they could do with social media.
4.      Prudent Speculator
b.      Prudent Speculator uses Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
c.       The links appear to be well used.
d.      Date of last post: unknown. They don’t appear to be very active bloggers.
e.       Prudent Speculator seems to be about the same as Stock Gumshoe in its use of social media. As with the others, there is much more they could do with social media.
5.      Wall Street’ Best Reports
b.      Wall Street’s Best Reports uses Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google +.
c.       The links appear to be well used.
d.      Date of last post: unknown. They don’t appear to be very active bloggers.
e.       Wall Street’s Best Reports seems to be about the same as Stock Gumshoe and Prudent Speculator in its use of social media. As with the others, there is much more they could do with social media.

It’s interesting to note that none of the newsletters used social media to any great extent. Some of the newsletters didn’t use social media at all. This may be due to the fact that most of these newsletters are written by older people who have not grown up using social media.

Most of the newsletters don’t use blogging to any great extent either. This may be due to the fact that they are investment newsletters and they put their content into their newsletters. I have noted that other newsletters, other than the ones explored here, do use blogging to a greater extent.

The newsletters explored for this assignment could, in my opinion, make better use of social media and blogging. For my own newsletter, the Intrinsic Value Wealth Report, I am taking this course on social media in order to learn ways to make better use of social media. I do currently make fairly extensive use of blogging.


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